
Direct conventions::

Convenzione Fiocchi
logobignoborder progesa-for-all-convenzione-miulli

Indirect conventions:


logo metasalute6
10067 dentista-magenta-convenzionato-cassa-integrativa-ferrovie

Fondo di solidarietà OMNITEL – VODAFONE
logo-fisde-2x EnteMutuo_logo_IST_info_20161
LOGOassidaiOK Logo_Reale_Mutua_Assicurazioni

Thanks to the numerous conventions of our clinic, the patient can enjoy advantageous economic conditions. In fact, after paying the service he can be refunded through his insurance company with the help of the clinic, which follows all the steps of the refund application and makes sure that the patient receives the highest possible refund from his insurance company.
We help the patient ask for the refund and deal with the documents needed.
We have decided to offer you the indirect refund, too, because just so the therapeutic choices are the best possible ones, can be really custom designed and do not depend on services and tariffs, which are compulsory and too standardized.

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